• children with hair loss    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 格蘭英語新竹校

      ...ons, with over 1000 employees and tens of thousands of students, including children from age 5 to top executives in a variety of business corporations. For the past 29 years, GRAM has also operated its own Franchise Department, GRAM Childrens Service Department, and GRAM English Services – popular...

      電話:03-5259056    地址:新竹縣林森路196號2樓
    2. 私立佳登美語短期補習班

      We established in 1887, and we chase our goal as a target to teach children in a small group, like to be a kind teacher to help children with thier learning problems.

      電話:02-29092992    地址:新北市泰山區公園路7號1樓
    3. 亞瑟英語會話短期補習班

      Axel Language Center has been educating children since 1993. We are a group of professional English teachers full of patience and energy. We provide our students with the best environment and highest quality resources for learning English. If you are also interested in teaching children, we welcome ...

      電話:06-2015744    地址:台南市永康區國華街102巷120號
    4. children’s castle

      中壢、平鎮幼教自組團體自組班成員為2~5y小朋友歡迎有幼教、蒙特梭利、說故事、正音、數學、美術、律動相關專長之教師合格教師、幼教相關科系為佳 歡迎二度就業婦女~~~另有小五英文家教需求~~

      電話:03-4910376    地址:桃園縣平鎮市廣泰路210巷2弄101號
    5. 佳音英語(佳美文理短期補習班)

      ...制教學,依年齡和程度分班,提供幼童最妥善的照顧。 Children should receive an education that helps them become open-minded, knowledgeable, responsible, prudent, and exemplary adults. 培養具備領袖氣質的下一代,讓幼童擁有高尚的情操、寬闊的胸懷以及...

      電話:02-28471984    地址:新北市蘆洲區中正路156-2號

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